pp108 : XSLT Functions that are not Supported in Process Platform

XSLT Functions that are not Supported in Process Platform

This topic lists the XSLT Functions that are not supported in Process Platform.

The following features of XSLT are not supported in Process Platform.


The following are rarely used XSL constructs and will be supported in next version.

  • XSL:number
  • XSL:decimal

    For these two elements, the 'XSL:element-available' function will return the value 'true', because they are not extension elements. However, stylesheet compilation will throw errors for these elements.


  • Document() function accepts only one argument, whereas it could be two arguments as per the XSLT specification
  • Format-number() is not supported
  • Unparsed-entity-uri() is not supported

Attributes for XSL:output Element

  • encoding
  • standalone
  • doctype-public
  • doctype-system
  • cdata-section-elements
  • media-type

Attributes for XSL:sort

For sort element, case-order is not supported.

XSL:import and XSL:include Behaviour

The XSL:import and XSL:include instructions will not fetch document from remote locations. As top level elements, they support only XSLT1.0 elements and other elements that originate from other namespaces.

Related concepts

XPath and XSLT

Related reference


Related information

Overview of XSLT
Overview of XPath