XSLT Functions that are not Supported in Process Platform |
The following features of XSLT are not supported in Process Platform.
The following are rarely used XSL constructs and will be supported in next version.
- XSL:number
- XSL:decimal
For these two elements, the 'XSL:element-available' function will return the value 'true', because they are not extension elements. However, stylesheet compilation will throw errors for these elements.
- Document() function accepts only one argument, whereas it could be two arguments as per the XSLT specification
- Format-number() is not supported
- Unparsed-entity-uri() is not supported
Attributes for XSL:output Element
- encoding
- standalone
- doctype-public
- doctype-system
- cdata-section-elements
- media-type
Attributes for XSL:sort
For sort element, case-order is not supported.
XSL:import and XSL:include Behaviour
The XSL:import and XSL:include instructions will not fetch document from remote locations. As top level elements, they support only XSLT1.0 elements and other elements that originate from other namespaces.